Contacts. ALRUD Law Firm


Office Address
Lesnaya st., 7, 12th fl., Moscow, Russia, 125196

How to find us:

By metro
By car

From Belorusskaya (Circle Line or Green Line) metro station to ALRUD

  • The road from Belorusskaya metro station to the ALRUD office takes 10-15 minutes.

  • Exit from metro station Belorusskaya, in the direction of Belorusskiy railway station or pl. Tverskaya Zastava.

  • At the exit from the metro, you need to cross the bridge along Leningradsky Prospekt and after the railway go down the stairs from the bridge and go straight (about 50 meters) towards the Nizhnyaya Street.

  • Turn left into Nizhnyaya Street and walk along this street until the first right turn into Verkhnyaya Street.

  • Walk 200 m along Verkhnyaya Street, on the left side of the road you will see the entrance to the business center 'RGR - Rosgrazhdanrekonstruktsiya'.

  • Go around the building from the left side and enter the building (entrance from the side of Skakovaya Street).

General information

  • At the reception on the ground (first) floor, please give your name to enter the building.

  • Please bring your passport, or identity document.

  • Our office is located on the 6th floor.

  • Couriers, Parcel Delivery & Shipping Services should proceed to the 1 floor.

Please note: The traffic pattern on Skakovaya and Verkhnyaya streets has been changed!

From Leningradskiy Prospekt

when driving from the city centre

When driving from the city centre, pass the bridge above Belorusskiy railway station and turn immediately to the right, under the bridge. After passing under the bridge, turn left into Nizhnyaya Street and proceed until the junction with Verkhnyaya Street. Turn right into Verkhnyaya Street (one-way street) and proceed until the junction with Skakovaya Street. Turn left into Skakovaya Street (one-way part). On the left-hand side, along the street, there is an 8-floor administrative building, with car parking in front and a signboard 'Rosgrazhdanrekonstruktsiya' (РГР – Росгражданреконструкция) at the entrance. A car pass can be issued in advance, if you provide us with your car registration number.

when driving to the city centre

From Leningradskiy Prospekt, after crossing the Third Transport Ring, you take the right turn into Skakovaya Alley, then after 50 meters turn to the left (Skakovaya Alley merges into Skakovaya Street, which runs parallel to Leningradskiy Prospekt). On the left-hand side, along the street, there is an 8-floor administrative building with car parking in front and a signboard 'Rosgrazhdanrekonstruktsiya' (РГР – Росгражданреконструкция)at the entrance. A car pass can be issued in advance if you provide us with your car registration number.

At the reception on the ground (first) floor, please give your name to enter the building.

Please bring your passport, or identity document.

Our office is located on the 6th floor.

Couriers, Parcel Delivery & Shipping Services should proceed to the 1 floor.

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