Individual dismissals across Europe: new guide of Ius Laboris alliance with article by Olga Pimanova

Individual dismissals across Europe: new guide of Ius Laboris alliance with article by Olga Pimanova

29 March 2012

Senior Associate of ALRUD Law Firm Olga Pimanova contributed to Individual dismissals across Europe published by international labour law alliance Ius Laboris

This book explains the essential principles of individual dismissals in numerous European countries and outlines each country’s respective system for protection against dismissal, prior warnings, notice periods, the selection of employees to dismiss, collective requirements, administrative approvals and the legal impacts of such dismissals. Russian issues are presented by Olga Pimanova, Senior Associate of ALRUD law firm.

Ius Laboris is an international alliance of leading law firms providing specialised services in employment / labour, employee benefits, immigration and pensions law – covering all legal services related to Human Resources. They produce a wide variety of topical publications covering the key legal areas related to Labour and Employment practice. ALRUD law firm specialists provide a contribution to Ius Laboris publications with Russian legislation issues.

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