ALRUD article for Ius Laboris on how Russian courts deal with workplace sexual harassment

ALRUD article for Ius Laboris on how Russian courts deal with workplace sexual harassment

15 January 2019

Irina Anyukhina, ALRUD Partner and Head of Labour & Employment Practice, and Anastasia Petrova, ALRUD Senior Associate, prepared an article for IUS Laboris, a global Alliance of leading employment, labour and pension law firms, on workplace harassment. Irina and Anastasia explain the topic giving insights into the recent sexual harassment case.
Harassment has no legal definition under Russian legislation, but current practice in Russia demonstrates that the number of harassment claims is increasing. However courts and investigation authorities take a very formal approach to such cases and often refuse victim’s claims on the grounds that victims are not able to provide sufficient evidence of harassment, such as witnesses testimony, or audio and video records.

You can read the article here.

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