ALRUD Seminar “International opportunities for family and business: Switzerland”

ALRUD Seminar “International opportunities for family and business: Switzerland”

20 April 2016

On April 19th law firm ALRUD and Swiss law company, BÄR & KARRER, held a joint seminar “International opportunities for family and business: Switzerland”. The Seminar is a part of a lection cycle, discovering the opportunities of developing international business and broadening geography of family interests.

During the seminar experts from law firms ALRUD and BÄR & KARRER have covered the following topics:

  • Which grounds for stay in Switzerland are more commonly used and in which cases;
  • Swiss and Russian taxation aspects for individuals considering moving to Switzerland;
  • Taxation issues for organizing business in Switzerland – what is essential to consider;
  • Purchasing real estate in Switzerland: practical and juridical aspects;
  • Swiss and Russian aspects of family law.

Cédric Chapuis and Daniel Bader, BÄR & KARRER Partners, and ALRUD experts: Maxim Alekseev (Senior Partner), Kira Egorova and Elena Novikova (Counsels), Ekaterina Vasina (Associate).

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