ALRUD Senior Attorney performed on Gleiss Lutz Seminar on transnational commercial law

ALRUD Senior Attorney performed on Gleiss Lutz Seminar on transnational commercial law

30 September 2016

Timur Akhundov, ALRUD Senior Attorney, presented during Gleiss Lutz Seminar on Transnational Commercial Law for EBS Law School in Frankfurt. The seminar embraced the following topics: European and German antimonopoly law, international arbitration and doing business in USA, India, Russia and Japan.

Timur`s presentation was focused on the legal aspects of commercial activities in Russia with emphasis on recent changes in Russian Civil Code, International Commercial Arbitration Law and special investment regimes.


The day before Timur has joined the workshop of Matthias Weller, EBS Law School Professor in Wiesbaden. There he narrated on the topic of admission and enforcement of foreign court judgements in Russia and EU.

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