Maxim Alekseyev spoke at the conference “Future of Cyprus for Russian Business”

Maxim Alekseyev spoke at the conference “Future of Cyprus for Russian Business”

09 April 2019


Maxim Alekseyev, the ALRUD’s Senior Partner, spoke at the conference “Future of Cyprus for Russian Business”, which was held in Limassol on April, 4.

The report of Maxim Alekseyev was devoted to corporate structuring, included the information on recognition of a foreign company as a Russian tax resident, offshore and onshore holding companies, welfare planning, compliance file preparation, and other important issues.


The annual conference “Future of Cyprus for Russian Business” is a key event, which presents a comprehensive overview of current trends in the Russia-Cyprus business relations development, including the analysis of the current state of the economy and legal approaches of two countries. Experts from Russia, Switzerland, and Luxembourg, involved in the development of Russian-Cyprus business relations, shared their experiences, presented common scenarios and nuances of projects related to investment, real estate, innovations, and other areas.

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