ALRUD partners spoke at the 11th IBA Annual Conference “Mergers and Acquisitions in Russia and CIS”

ALRUD partners spoke at the 11th IBA Annual Conference “Mergers and Acquisitions in Russia and CIS”

20 November 2019

On November 15, for the eleventh time in a row, leading world experts in the field of economics and legal profession gathered in Moscow to discuss the latest trends in the M&A market at the IBA 'Mergers and Acquisitions in Russia and CIS' Conference. By tradition, the Conference was organized by the International Bar Association's Corporate Law and M&A Committee. This year's Conference was co-chaired by André Dufour, Partner at Borden Ladner Gervais Law Firm (Montreal), IBA Co-Chair of the Corporate Law and M&A Committee; and Alexander Zharskiy, Partner at ALRUD Law Firm (Moscow), Officer of the IBA Corporate and M&A Law Committee. Following the Conference programs of previous years, this event was opened by the Session devoted to a review of the mergers and acquisitions market in Russia and the CIS countries – its trends and developments over the past period. The agenda also included topics such as: - Technology M&A deals.

  • Russian and CIS M&A Hot Topics, in particular: how do these joint venture deals differ from traditional M&A transactions? What is the role of in-house lawyers in creating and managing joint ventures? What governing law do parties choose to regulate their joint ventures in Russia?

  • M&A work in spite of all sanctions and AML rules.

In addition, the Conference program hosted M&A Disputes in Arbitration and Litigation session, dedicated to recent changes and developments in this field. The session was co-moderated by Sergey Petrachkov, ALRUD Partner, who heads Dispute Resolution group.

The Conference brought together more than 100 participants from around the world, including lawyers in private practice, in-house counsels, investment bankers, accountants and specialists from mergers and acquisitions business.

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