ALRUD Law Firm successfully represented Siemens AG, the German global technology corporation, within clearance with FAS Russia (Federal Antimonopoly Service) and the Government Commission for Control over Foreign Investments in the Russian Federation of a combination with Alstom S.А., a leading French rolling stock manufacturer.
The combined entity created as a result of the transaction, was set to become a European 'national champion' in the development and production of innovative rolling stock to the highest technological standards. The deal value was $17 billion.
Deal value
The ALRUD team, which worked on the merger control and strategic investments project under the leadership of Senior Partner Vassily Rudomino and Partner German Zakharov, included representatives of ALRUD Antitrust Practice: Senior Attorney Vladislav Alifirov and Senior Attorney Natalia Rashchevskaya, as well as Senior Associate of Corporate and M&A Practice Alexander Kleschev.
Thanks to extensive practical experience in clearance of complex, global transactions with Russian regulators, the ALRUD team helped its client obtain the approval of the Government Commission for Control over Foreign Investments in the Russian Federation as quickly as possible. After that, the ALRUD team represented the client in long and complex negotiations with FAS Russia and other parties to the process, as part of the review of the transaction under the Russian Law on Protection of Competition. At the final stage of the negotiation process, shortly before the expected decision of FAS Russia on approval of the transaction, the application was withdrawn from FAS Russia, since the global deal had been blocked by the European Commission. The ban was associated with risks of restricting competition within the markets of the European Union, as a result of creation of the combined entity.
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