Webinar "How to protect the interests of the creditors in bankruptcy cases: from the fight against fictitious claims to the responsibility of beneficiaries"

Webinar "How to protect the interests of the creditors in bankruptcy cases: from the fight against fictitious claims to the responsibility of beneficiaries"

17 December 2020

On December 16th, specialists of the Restructuring and Bankruptcy Practice of ALRUD Law Firm and financial investigators of Group-IB held a joint webinar: 'How to Protect the Interests of the Creditors in Bankruptcy Cases: From the Fight against Fictitious Claims to the Responsibility of Beneficiaries'.

Using the example of a real case, the experts discussed the problems of fighting against fictitious creditors and controlling the initiative in the bankruptcy case. They considered the mechanisms of asset recovery and discussed the specifics of bringing business beneficiaries to subsidiary responsibility.

Sergey Petrachkov, ALRUD Partner and Head of the Dispute Resolution and Restructuring / Insolvency Practices, Alexander Simonyan, Director of Financial Investigations Development at Group-IB, and Dmitry Kuptsov, ALRUD Senior Associate, participated in the webinar.

The video-recording (in Russian language) of the webinar is available here.

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ALRUD Law Firm

Lesnaya st., 7, 12th fl., Moscow, Russia, 125196
Т: +7 495 234 96 92, Т: +7 495 926 16 48, info@alrud.com
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