Maxim Alekseyev, Anton Dzhuplin and Sergey Milanov held a seminar for ROTOBO in Tokyo

Maxim Alekseyev, Anton Dzhuplin and Sergey Milanov held a seminar for ROTOBO in Tokyo

13 July 2023

On 12 July, Maxim Alekseyev, Senior Partner, Anton Dzhuplin, Partner, and Sergey Milanov, Of Counsel and Co-Head of the firm’s Asia-Pacific Desk, held a seminar for members of the Japan Association for Trade with Russia and the Newly Independent States (ROTOBO) in Tokyo.

Our lawyers told the Japanese audience about the business operations of companies from “unfriendly” countries on the Russian market, as well as explained the regulations covering exit transactions involving the sale of shares or stakes in the Russian companies by foreign shareholders. They also shared practical advice on the legal aspects of implementing such transactions.

In the seminar, the following topics were covered:

  • "Current trends and strategies of actions of companies from “unfriendly” countries in the Russian market. What foreign companies that continue to operate in the Russian Federation should keep in mind" (speaker - Maxim Alekseyev).

  • "Developments in the regulation of transactions involving the sale by foreign shareholders from 'unfriendly' countries of shares or stakes in their Russian companies" (speaker - Anton Dzhuplin).

  • "A summary of the procedures for the liquidation of a Russian subsidiary and the closing of a Russian branch by a foreign company from an 'unfriendly' jurisdiction'" (speaker - Sergey Milanov).


The above topics were followed with a high interest by the audience.

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