Sergey Petrachkov To Speak at London International Disputes Week

Sergey Petrachkov To Speak at London International Disputes Week

27 May 2024

London International Disputes Week #LIDW24 will take place on 3-7 June. The event will be a focal point for legal experts from around the world to discuss progress made in dispute resolution over the past year, as well as expectations for trends in the coming year.

As part of #LIDW24, experts from ALRUD, Enyo Law, One Essex Court and Teynier Pic will hold a session on 5 June on the topic: ****‘Clash of jurisdictions – era of sanctions, anti-suit and anti-anti-suit injunctions?’****, which focuses on changes in Russian procedural rules that provide for the additional judicial protection of Russian companies from foreign sanctions, and changes caused by trends.

ALRUD will be represented by ****Sergey Petrachkov****, Partner of the Dispute Resolution and International Arbitration practices, who will address the following issues during his speech:

  • Background to Article 248 and early and more recent (2023/2024) cases.

  • Perspectives on the enforcement of Russian decisions in other jurisdictions.

  • Piercing the corporate veil in terms of liability and enforcement in Russia.

  • Approach of Russian courts to foreign ASI.

More information about the event can be found on the ****organizer’s website****.

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ALRUD Law Firm

Lesnaya st., 7, 12th fl., Moscow, Russia, 125196
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