Stay informed with the latest news ****on labour law****. ****Stay updated on the upcoming changes in labour legislation**** set to take effect in February-March 2024. These changes are crucial for accurate payroll calculation, keeping employment contracts up to date, and aligning HR management processes.
Starting on February 25, 2024, employees who are single parents of children under 16 years old will be ****safeguarded from the dismissal**** by their employer, even in the event of staff redundancies. At present, this limitation only pertains to individual employees who have children under the age of 14.
Still these employees may be dismissed under specific circumstances. These include instances of absenteeism, disclosure of legally protected confidentiality, intoxication at work, or a serious violation of employment duties by the head of the organization or their deputies.
Effective from** 01 March 2024**, the minimum salary for highly qualified specialists (referred to as “HQS”) will be ****RUB 750,000 per quarter****. Compensation for HQS can take various forms:
either increased to RUB 250,000 per month (instead of the previous RUB 167,000 per month),
or increased due to other payments for the reporting quarter (e.g., ****bonus payments****).
Therefore, it is recommended to:
to make relevant ****amendments to employment contracts**** with HQS;
to indicate the new minimum income threshold for HQS in the ****notification**** submitted quarterly to the ****migration authorities****, in particular for the first quarter of 2024 (January-March 2024).
You can read more about other changes regarding HQS here.
We hope that the information provided herein will be useful for you.