Margarita Egiazarova prepared a commentary for the magazine “Trudovye Spory”

Margarita Egiazarova prepared a commentary for the magazine “Trudovye Spory”

29 August 2024

Margarita Egiazarova, Senior Associate in ALRUD Labour and Employment Practice, PhD in Law, prepared a commentary for the professional magazine “Trudovye Spory” on ****“The evidence that helps win disputes with resourceful employees”****.

The expert shared a case study where prompt evidence collection helped win a dispute with an employee. All open resources can become evidence: publications, files, groups in social media, web pages where the employee posted data compromising the company. All the data found should be certified by a notary to make it legally valid. The evidence collected will form the basis for dismissal of the employee for disciplinary grounds.

Read more about the event at the link.

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