Insights & News

Insights & News

Maxim Alekseyev, Senior Partner, Maria Ostashenko, Partner, Kira Egorova, Of Counsel, Elena Novikova, Of Counsel, Elizaveta Kostyuchenko, Associate, and Nikita Presnikov, Associate, pre...
04 December 2023 Publications
Maxim Alekseyev, ALRUD Senior Partner, Dina Kravchenko, ALRUD Senior Associate and Anastasiya Gudkova, ALRUD Junior Associate, prepared materials for Food Lawyers Network publicat...
03 July 2024 Publications
The International Bar Association Global Employment Institute (IBA GEI) published its 12th annual global report on general international trends in human resources law with examples from 5...
27 May 2024 Publications
Alexander Kleschev, Partner in ALRUD Corporate practice, made comments for on the topic: “How to open a bank account in the UAE: main tips”. According to the expert’s opinion, i...
13 March 2024 Publications
Various types of management responsibility are not myths any longer, they have become a reality. We are glad to introduce our new guide devoted to current trends analysis – “The (non-)Myt...
11 October 2023 Publications
Anton Dzhuplin, Partner of ALRUD Corporate / M&A practice, Co-Head of Crisis Management, Economic sanctions and Compliance practice, edited the “International M&A and Joint Ventur...
10 August 2023 Publications
The regulatory landscape in Russia has changed significantly since last year. Certain restrictions and counter-sanctions measures were introduced with one of the main goals to limit the w...
07 August 2023 Publications
The International Bar Association Global Employment Institute (IBA) published its 11th annual global report on general international trends in human resources law with examples from 55 co...
14 June 2023 Publications
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