Insights & News

Insights & News

Within a complicated labor dispute involving a middle-level employee, the ALRUD team offered the client comprehensive out-of-court legal defense. The project involved the development and adjustment of...
24 June 2024 Cases
ALRUD team developed and implemented viable solution aiming at suspension of Russian operations of an international manufacturer and wholesaler of industrial goods for...
06 April 2023 Cases
ALRUD specialists provided comprehensive support in all aspects of sanctions compliance for the Russian division of a major international welding materials and tools manufacturing company. ALRUD...
13 March 2023 Cases
On July 22 ALRUD Labour law practice team conducted in-house training for the top management of an international telecommunication group on “Particular aspects of termination...
25 July 2022 Cases
ALRUD Law Firm, participating as the part of the international team of lawyers and investigation experts, provided support to the Client, a global provider of engineering and...
05 October 2021 Cases
Over a period of several years, ALRUD has participated in an integrated project on forming a comprehensive compliance system for the largest Russian private charity...
03 October 2021 Cases
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