Insights & News

Insights & News

Every day, the outbreak of coronavirus infection has an increasing impact on the economy, in general and various aspects of business, in particular. In this information letter, we have re...
24 April 2020 Newsletters
We would like to provide you with an update on some changes in the legal regulation of medicines in Russia made due to dynamic spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19). On April 3rd, 2020, t...
23 April 2020 Newsletters
On April 18th 2020, the Russian President signed a Decree establishing a temporary procedure for hiring foreign nationals in Russia and suspension of migration terms. Temporary rules app...
21 April 2020 Newsletters
Spread of coronavirus infection made companies to change their daily practices in order to ensure continuous business operation without compromising individuals’ safety. Here we elaborate...
13 April 2020 Newsletters
In accordance with Decrees of the Moscow Mayor No. 42-UM dated April 10th, 2020 and No. 43-UM dated April 11th, 2020, visiting of most organizations is temporarily suspended and pass cont...
13 April 2020 Newsletters
Spring is a busy period in terms of corporate governance. It involves the computations, confirmations and conclusions related to the results of the previous financial year, when the follo...
06 April 2020 Newsletters
Due to the active spread of coronavirus infection COVID-2019, the Russian authorities, at both the federal and regional levels, are taking significant measures to ensure the self-isolatio...
03 April 2020 Newsletters
In an expedited process, a Federal Law amending several legislative acts was passed by the State Duma and Federal Council of the Russian Federation. In particular, the law envisages use o...
01 April 2020 Newsletters
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