Insights & News

Insights & News

On April 29th, the event “Russian rental market in the new environment” of the AEB Real Estate Committee took place, at which Stanislav Veselov, ALRUD Senior Associate of Real Estate Prac...
04 May 2022 Firm news
ALRUD specialists advised Russkaya Energia on the acquisition of Vorkutaugol from Severstal. The deal value is RUB 15 bn. Vorkutaugol is one of the largest coal-mining companies in Russ...
04 May 2022 Cases
Experts of ALRUD Labour Practice provided comprehensive support to a multinational mobile technologies leader in a complicated project involving an employee being terminated due to redund...
28 April 2022 Newsletters
On April 27, 2022, the Association of European Businesses held the offline Crisis and Sanctions Update Conference “Navigating increased uncertainty”, which took place at Start Hub in Red ...
28 April 2022 Firm news
On April 22, 2022, Elena Novikova, Of Counsel in ALRUD Tax Practice, spoke at the conference «Tax control in 2022. Main trends, challenges, and prospects». Elena spoke on «Business splitt...
27 April 2022 Firm news
On 20 April the experts of ALRUD Labour Practice held an online event 'How does the world situation affect the employment relations' prepared specially for the attendees of the Higher Sch...
21 April 2022 Firm news
ALRUD experts advised a major international bank on the loan swap transaction entered into with one of the state banks in Russia for the amounts exceeding EUR 750m, including on related R...
21 April 2022 Cases
The new issue of Legal Insight magazine contains an article by Aleksandr Artemenko, ALRUD Senior Attorney, and Anastasiya Yarygina, ALRUD Attorney, dedicated to the analysis of the possib...
11 April 2022 Publications
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