Insights & News

Insights & News

Webinar "Artificial intelligence technologies in HR processes: lawyers' opinion" was held on the 2nd of May. It was devoted to the latest trends, practical considerations, and complicated...
10 May 2024 Firm news
The Presidential Administration has not approved amendments to the second reading of the draft law on turnover fines for personal data (“PD”) leaks Despite the positive review of the dr...
26 April 2024 Newsletters
On 24 April 2024 the American Chamber of Commerce in Russia (“AmCham Russia”) held its annual HR-Conference ”Adapting HR to a Changing World”. Anastasia Petrova, Of Counsel in ALRUD Labo...
25 April 2024 Firm news
On 17 April 2024 as part of the project “Foreign Trade Chamber Week in St. Peterburg” the “Day of General Directors” organized by the Russian-German Foreign Trade Chamber took place. Mar...
24 April 2024 Firm news
Government Commission approves positive review of draft law on turnover fines for leaks of personal data (“PD”) We previously informed you about the draft law that would impose turn...
18 April 2024 Newsletters
We would like to remind you about important changes in migration legislation that affect the legal status of foreign nationals in the Russian Federation, including highly ...
15 April 2024 Newsletters
On 4 April 2024 the conference “Labour Law and Labour Disputes - 2024” was held by Irina Anyukhina, Partner in ALRUD Labour and Employment practice, moderated the round table o...
15 April 2024 Firm news
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen! On 17 April 2024, amendments to the Code of Administrative Offences of the Russian Federation (“CAO RF”) will enter into force. From this time, there will be g...
11 April 2024 Newsletters
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