Financial Technology

Financial Technology

Rankings and Awards

ALRUD specialists have profound expertise in the field of Financial Technologies and assist both local and international companies. Our vast experience includes advising our clients (including banks and financial institutions) in various types of work connected with Financial Technologies.

ALRUD maintains close contacts with the law communities worldwide and our specialist actively participate in various industry events including:

  • Foreign conferences of International Association of Young Lawyers (AIJA) as a speaker where advised on certain legal points of regulation with respect to crypto currency from the Russian law perspective.
  • Improvement of Russian draft law “On digital assets” (crypto currency and tokens) and Russian draft law “On crowdfunding”.
  • Numerous workshops arranged by International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and Skolkovo Innovation Center.
  • Workshops of the Bank of Russia which is regulatory authority with respect to financial and monetary politics in Russia where assisted with amendments with respect to laws and regulations on cryptocurrencies.

Our Services

  • Regulatory issues including AML implications
  • ICO (Initial Coin Offering) procedure
  • E-money and payments services
  • E-commerce in financial services
  • Cyber security and data protection
  • Data hosting
  • Technology development
  • Internet of Things

We would like to note that we are an active member of the Skolkovo action group for drafting the federal law “On digital financial assets” as well as federal law “On crowdfunding” that would regulate crypto currencies and tokens issuance and circulation. Given our expertise in respective field we advise our clients on the following issues:

  • Advising on general regulatory issues of blockchain, cryptocurrency and tokens in Russia, including with respect to requirements for cryptocurrency market participants (licensing issues) as well as requirements for compliance with AML regulations on cryptocurrency market
  • Advising on crowdfunding
  • Advising on taxation in the field of cryptocurrency and tokens
  • Preparation and commenting on cryptocurrency sale and purchase contracts as well as documentation for the issuance of tokens (ICO)
  • Assisting in preparation of smart contracts

Highlights of our recent domestic and international projects include advising:

eToro Group LTD.

one of the well-known social trading and multi asset brokerage companies, with respect to regulatory aspects of activity on trading with crypto currencies on a Russian market including advertising matters arising in connection with proposal of respective product in Russia.

One of the foreign technology companies providing innovative financial payment solutions

with respect to regulatory implications dealing with issuance of tokens (entering into Simple Agreement For Future Tokens) and their proposal to Russian market.

FinTech company Instantor

with comments on starting and developing a FinTech business in Russia from a corporate and regulatory law perspective.

Kreditech Holding SSL GmbH

with respect to complex day-to-day legal and regulatory support in connection with its activities in Russia, including but not limited to corporate.

Russian individual

with comments on current Russian law regulations with respect to crypto currency and assisted the Client with drafting of the Sale and Purchase Agreement of Bitcoins.

Goldman Sachs Bank

on regulatory aspects of bank’s activity in Russia, including on cooperation of bank with the Bank of Russia and other Russian authorities (including Rosfinmonitoring, Rosstat, Federal Tax Service, Federal Service of Officers of Justice, etc.) regarding provision of information and reports to such authorities.

Leader in global payments and a technology company

on a wide range of legal aspects, including corporate aspects of client’s activity, regulatory matters on cooperation with counteragents (e.g. Russian credit institutions) as well as the Bank of Russia, numerous AML matters arising while transfer of monetary funds.

Rankings and Awards

Pravo-300, 2024 advises ALRUD as an expert in Digital Economy (Group 2).
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