Anna Novikova

Anna Novikova

Anna Novikova
Recent work

Anna Novikova is an Associate of the Dispute Resolution, Restructuring and Insolvency practices at ALRUD Law Firm.

Anna has experience of representing the clients’s interests in state commercial courts, courts of general jurisdiction and arbitration tribunals in various types of disputes, including commercial disputes and insolvency (bankruptcy) cases.

Anna graduated the bachelor's and master's program in International Economic Law from the Russian Foreign Trade Academy.

Anna is a member of the International Bar Association (IBA).

Anna joined ALRUD in 2021.

Includes advising and representing:

A major foreign car manufacturer

in the bankruptcy proceedings commenced against a Russian car dealer in a complex dispute on bringing to subsidiary liability, having achieved the dismissal of the rendered judicial acts on bringing the Client to subsidiary liability for the amount of about 22 billion rubles.

A member of a Russian company, a foreign company that is part of one of the largest Japanese conglomerates

within the bankruptcy proceedings complicated by a corporate conflict, having achieved resisting the establishment of control by an ‘unfriendly’ shareholder and the withdrawal of the debtor's highly liquid assets.

A major foreign manufacturer of furniture and household goods

in obtaining permits from the European regulator for the sale of the Client's Russian assets.

One of the largest manufacturers of automotive equipment

in a case for recognition and enforcement of an ICC arbitral award.

One of the largest foreign grain traders

on cross-border bankruptcy, representation in within the bankruptcy proceedings of a large Russian bank and arbitration proceedings at the London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA).

The interests of the world's largest retailer

in a multimillion-dollar commercial dispute on the recovery of damages caused by the refusal of the Client's counterparty to enter into a contract for the sale and purchase of a land plot.

One of the largest Russian engineering companies

in connection with the unilateral withdrawal of the Client’s foreign counterparties from the multibillion-dollar supply contracts due to U.S. and EU sanctions.

A major foreign car manufacturer

on netting issues conducted by a foreign court in cross-border bankruptcy.

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