Dmitry Kuptsov

Dmitry Kuptsov

Partner, Advocate, LL.M.
Dmitry Kuptsov

Chambers Europe

We would recommend Dmitry Kuptsov as being highly dedicated, competent and flexible in providing his excellent legal services.

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Dmitry Kuptsov is a Partner in the Dispute Resolution and Restructuring & Insolvency Practices, and Head of International arbitration Practice at ALRUD Law Firm.

Dmitry specializes in handling complex domestic and cross-border disputes, in various areas of law and business industries. He has extensive experience working on full-scale projects, in the fields of restructuring and bankruptcy. He also successfully represents clients in arbitrations and proceedings on enforcement of arbitral awards in Russia and abroad. Dmitry’s sphere of expertise additionally includes conducting internal investigations, compliance checks and asset tracing, in different jurisdictions.

Dmitry graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Higher School of Economics in 2012. In 2013, he received a Master's Degree in Law from Lund University (Sweden).

In 2017, Dmitry was on secondment in London at the law firm Slaughter and May, member of The Magic Circle. Dmitry is a member of the International Bar Association (IBA).

Includes advising and representing:

One of the founders of the Russia’s largest fishery holding, Norebo

on the issues of Russian law arising in a cross-border dispute, related to corporate control in the holding (the “Norebo case”), as well as in a number of related domestic litigations.

European branch of Russian Bank

in the matter of the foreclosure on mortgaged warehouses and valuable land plots, in the area of Moscow’s Sheremetyevo airport.

A well-known eastern-European businessman

in a legal action for compensation of harm on the basis of Russian tort law (including bankruptcy issues and art. 1064 CC RF), initiated by a Russian oil company pending in the High Court of Justice in England.

A well-known Swiss trading bank

in the matter on recovery of multi-million indebtedness from an individual trader due to his failure to comply with margin call requirements.

An American manufacturer of ceiling systems

in a series of full-scale administrative investigations, initiated by the Russian authorities, in the course of supervision over construction of 2018 FIFA World Cup infrastructure objects and sport facilities.

A well-known Russian-British investor

in a number of defamations matters against the leading Russian and foreign mass media.

A major vehicles manufacturer

in a series of interrelated bankruptcy cases of its Russian regional dealers, with the total amount of claims exceeding 20 billion Rubles. These included numerous disputes involving challenging transactions (claw back action), subsidiary liability, subordination of creditors’ claims and the dismissal of the bankruptcy receiver.

An international commodities trader

in the action for challenging of its transactions, initiated by the Deposit Insurance Agency in breach of the arbitration agreement.

The leading Russian private investment fund and its top-management

in a number of closely related bankruptcy proceedings and several side-disputes for holding its senior management subsidiary liable.

One of the largest creditors of refinery

on general aspects of Russian civil and commercial law and various related provisions of bankruptcy law, in the context of LCIA arbitration on recovery of multi-million indebtedness.

An international media corporation

in the International Commercial Arbitration Court at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation arbitration on the recovery of indebtedness from a Russian publishing house.

A large multinational advertising and public relations company

in an internal investigation in respect of a number of its Russian office’s employees, due to allegations of their conspiracy with the contractors.

The world’s largest manufacturer of agricultural equipment

in an investigation, conducted in the course of a global acquisition of the leading German producer of machine solutions, for road construction and road rehabilitation.

Russian Supreme Court has confirmed that Russian countersanctions do not prevent the enforcement of arbitral awards in favour of “unfriendly” creditors
In 2022, the Russian Government established the List of Foreign States and Territories Committing Unfriendly Actions against Russia, Russian entities and individuals (“Unfriendly Jurisdictions”). The Russian countersanctions in force impose a special order for fulfilling certain obligations towards creditors from such jurisdictions (e.g., arising from some financial, corporate and IP relationships).
12 February 2025
Exporting Russian bankruptcy
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen! The imposition of foreign sanctions against Russia also impacts the prospects of Russian judgments being recognized and enforced in “unfriendly” jurisdictions. Some even believe that these sanctions completely prevent such
16 August 2024
Supreme Court Allows Bankruptcy of Foreign Companies with "Close Connection" to Russia
The Supreme Court has considered the Westwalk case and ruled that foreign companies can be legally recognized as bankrupt if there is a “close connection” with Russia. Bankruptcy of foreigners was first commenced in 2016, but for a long was applied only to individuals
14 February 2024
Guide “The (non-)Myths of Management and Beneficiaries Responsibility”
Various types of management responsibility are not myths any longer, they have become a reality. We are glad to introduce our new guide devoted to current trends analysis – “The (non-)Myths of...
11 October 2023
A word spoken is past recalling: Russian Supreme Court explained the regulations on liability for breach of representations
The Judicial Chamber on Economic Disputes of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation has considered TrustForex LLC case (No. A40-167835/2021) concerning the...
29 March 2023
ALRUD experts prepared an article for IBA
Dmitry Kuptsov, Partner of the Dispute Resolution practice, and Yuri Knyazev, Dispute Resolution practice Senior Attorney, published an article “English anti-suit injunctions in Russian bankruptcy –...
29 October 2021
Russian Chapter in the The Legal 500 Force Majeure Country Comparative Guide by ALRUD experts
Our firm's Partner [Sergey Petrachkov]( 'Sergey Petrachkov'), Senior Associates [Dmitry Kuptsov]( 'Dmitry...
06 July 2021
Dispute Resolution practice Partners wrote an article for IBA
Sergey Petrachkov and Dmitry Kuptsov, Partners of the Dispute Resolution practice, wrote an article “Delayed-action bankruptcy in Russia” for The International Bar Association
28 September 2020
Pravo-300, 2023 recommends Dmitry Kuptsov for Arbitrazh proceedings (сommercial disputes: High Market; corporate disputes), Bankruptcy (Litigation High Market), International litigation, International Arbitration.
Best Lawyers, 2022 recommends Dmitry Kuptsov for Arbitration and Mediation, and International Arbitration.
The Legal 500, 2021 recommends Dmitry Kuptsov for Dispute Resolution.
Best Lawyers, 2021 recommends Dmitry Kuptsov for Arbitration and Mediation.
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