The 6th Annual IBA "Mergers and Acquisitions in Russia and CIS" Conference

The 6th Annual IBA "Mergers and Acquisitions in Russia and CIS" Conference

05 December 2014

On December 4th, the 6th Annual IBA 'Mergers and Acquisitions in Russia and CIS' Conference took place. The world’s leading economy and legal experts discussed the latest trends of Russian and CIS M&A law. This event is presented by the IBA Corporate and M&A Law Committee, supported by the IBA European Regional Forum and by Russian Arbitration Association.

The opening speech was given by IBA Legal Practice Division Chair Michael Greene.

The Conference Co-Chair Vassily Rudomino, ALRUD Senior Partner, the IBA LPD Council Member, moderated the session «Implications of the current market environment on deal making in Russia and CIS». Where the following topics were discussed by the session participants:

  • The current state of M&A market in Russia and CIS countries, will discuss the results of the market over the last twelve months,

  • The trends in the development of the European and American market of mergers and acquisitions, as well as the impact of these trends on the emerging markets, geopolitical crisis and its impact on M&A market in Russia and CIS countries, Russia's policy in attracting foreign investment,

  • The impact of sanctions imposed against Russia on mergers and acquisitions,

  • The market prospects in 2015, the reserves of the market and the major risks - the fall in oil prices, devaluation of the ruble and other matters.

Alexander Zharskiy, ALRUD Partner, also participated in the Conference and was the speaker in the «M&A Activity in Russia’s Oil & Gas Sector: Challenges and Opportunities» session. During this session the following topics were highlighted: «Recent trends and key issues in drafting and negotiating transaction documentations in M&A deals in oil and gas industries: Russian market practice vs. international practice», «JVs (off-shore and on-shore) in Russia’s Oil & Gas Sector: current challenges», «Analysing regulatory changes needed to support M&A projects in Russia’s oil & gas sector», «Sanctions and their impact on M&A deals in energy sector: mitigation strategies», «International Cooperation in Oil and Gas in Russia: opportunities and challenges».

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