Insights & News

Insights & News

ALRUD Law Firm is presented with one of the most famous annual M&A awards – Russia M&A Awards. On the results of competition our firm is recognized as the best Russian M&A law...
21 November 2014 Rankings & Awards
November 13-14 took place the Russian National Payments Forum. The Russian National Payments Forum is an electronic payments industry platform to annually discuss the key developments in ...
17 November 2014 Firm news
New issue of the Arbitration Practice published a Senior Partner of ALRUD Law Firm Vassily Rudomino interview. He told how the firm was created, why English law was favorable in Russia, w...
14 November 2014 Publications
The IV Moscow International Financial Forum 2014 held by Hansa Fincon, a leading consulting company, took place fr om 12th to 13th of November. In the frames of this Forum ALRUD Law Firm ...
13 November 2014 Firm news
On November 6 the Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency (KOTRA), Seoul, Republic of Korea, hosted a conference “Russia in Seoul: Business perspectives in Russia”. The event was held by ...
10 November 2014 Firm news
Kira Egorova, ALRUD Of Counsel, prepared an article about de-offshorisation of the Russian economy for the STEP Journal professional edition. In this review Kira describes the downward tr...
13 October 2014 Publications
The article about Investment climate in Russia, especially for foreign investors, was written by Senior Partner Vassily Rudomino and Associate Ludmila Merzlikina. In the chapter the expe...
07 October 2014 Publications
ALRUD advised a shareholder of Veropharm, one of the Russian leading pharmaceutical manufacturers with a portfolio of more than 100 pharmaceuticals, on the sale of shares to the US compan...
25 June 2014 Cases
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