Insights & News

Insights & News

The article about Investment climate in Russia, especially for foreign investors, was written by Senior Partner Vassily Rudomino and Associate Ludmila Merzlikina. In the chapter the expe...
07 October 2014 Publications
ALRUD advised a shareholder of Veropharm, one of the Russian leading pharmaceutical manufacturers with a portfolio of more than 100 pharmaceuticals, on the sale of shares to the US compan...
25 June 2014 Cases
ALRUD, the leading Russian independent law firm, providing legal services in all aspects of law to Russian and international clients, announces promotion of Anton Dzhuplin to partner at c...
28 April 2014 Firm news
Law firm ALRUD holds a strong position in the Chambers Global 2014 rating. This year, our firm has been ranked in such practices areas, as Company Law / Mergers & Acquisitions (Band ...
14 April 2014 Rankings & Awards
11 April 2014 Rankings & Awards
For the fifth year in a row Law Firm ALRUD tops the annual ranking of financial and legal advisors for the Russian M&A market issued by Russian M&A Agency. ALRUD is the establishe...
10 April 2014 Rankings & Awards
Experts of ALRUD’s antitrust practice, namely: Vasily Rudomino (Senior Partner), German Zakharov (Senior Associate), Lyudmila Merzlikina (Associate) and Ruslana Karimova (Attorney) co-aut...
26 February 2014 Publications
The article is devoted to current tendencies on exchange of information between Russia and other countries in the light of recent changes to legislation, practice with double tax treaties...
04 February 2014 Publications
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