Dina Kravchenko

Dina Kravchenko

Senior Associate
Dina Kravchenko
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Dina Kravchenko is a Senior Associate in the Corporate / M&A practice at ALRUD Law Firm.

Dina supports projects in the corporate sphere, specializes in conducting legal audits to implement projects in the field of M&A and IPO, licensing and administrative regulation of business. Dina has extensive experience in advising on various issues in the field of healthcare, medicines’ and medical devices’ sales in Russia and the EAEU.

Dina graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Lomonosov Moscow State University.

She is a member of the International Bar Association (IBA), the International Young Lawyers Association (AIJA) and the International Community RAPS.

Includes advising and representing:

TJX Companies

the leading off-price apparel and home fashions retailer in the U.S. and worldwide, on the US$225m acquisition of a 25% stake in Familia, Russian low-cost clothing retailer.


a large Chinese airline selling company, on the acquisition of minority stakes in Avia Center Group companies located in Russia and England, in order to establish long-term cooperation with Avia Center in the field of introducing modern technologies into the market for the sale of air tickets and related services in Russia and the CIS.


one of the four largest telecommunications companies in Russia, on the establishment of a joint venture with 4 federal operators-competitors, aiming at joint development and use of 5G radiofrequencies in Russia.

CRH Plc.

on the acquisition of two Russian cement producers.


for a promotion of pharmaceutical and parapharmaceutical products.

Taisho Pharmaceuticals

in the course of an international transaction, on the acquisition of a portfolio of medicines of one of the world's leading pharmaceutical companies, in terms of Russian assets.

Group of a Russian major bank

in transactions on the acquisition of various assets (more than 7 transactions in the last two years), including the acquisition of the Novorossiysk Grain Terminal from Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port.

A pharmaceutical company specializing in the production and sale of homeopathic medicines

in the process of creating a Russian company, including licensing and advertising.

An Italian manufacturer of pharmaceutical products

for the transfer of rights to the medicinal product.

A transnational company

on the State regulation of software using neural networks as a medical device.

Webinar “Key Legal Trends for Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals Companies in Russia” takes place
On 30 May ALRUD industrial team held a seminar on review of legal trends and regulatory developments in the sphere of healthcare and pharmaceuticals that can be faced by Russian companies. The webinar was supported by IMEDA. The experts covered the following topics within the webinar: Settlements of foreign trade contracts in the climate of sanctions and countersanctions. VAT: requalification of scope of delivery bonuses into commodity grant while offsetting counterclaims. Intellectual property protection in the climate of sanctions and countersanctions. Parallel imports. Restriction of rights for the use of European Software. Restriction of payments under license agreements for the use of intellectual property rights. Patent rights protection and compulsory licensing trends. AI in medical goods: current regulations and practical issues. Maria Ostashenko, Partner and Head of Healthcare and Pharmaceutical Industry team of ALRUD, Ilya Khodakov, Senior Associate in the Intellectual Property Practice, Sergey Artemiev, Senior Associate in the Tax Practice, Natalia Bashmakova, Senior Associate in the Commercial Practice, Dina Kravchenko, Senior Associate in the Regulatory Practice, Elizaveta Kostyuchenko, Associate in the Intellectual Property Practice, were the speakers of ALRUD. ****Sergey Vanin****, Executive Director of the Association, was the speaker of IMEDA.
31 May 2024
Changes in products = changes in compliance documentation
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen! Most of the products imported to Russia are subject to strict regulations under Russian and EAEU1 laws. They are regulated by: The general legislation of Federal Law No. 184-FZ dated 27 December 2002 “On Technical Regulation”, which is applied in the absence of special regulation; Special technical regulations for certain types of goods, e.g., on the safety of machinery and equipment, wheeled vehicles, light industry goods, goods intended for children and teenagers, food products, etc.; Special legislation for medicines, medical devices, dietary supplements, etc. The compliance of goods is confirmed in the following ways, depending on the type of products: Certification/declaration; or State registration. The circulation (including import and sale) in the Russian Federation of goods that do not meet regulatory requirements is prohibited. All imported goods must comply with the regulatory requirements and documentation that was provided to obtain documents confirming compliance. If the manufacturer makes any ****modifications to the characteristics/documentation of the goods****, they must be reflected in Russian documents confirming compliance (if not available, such documents must be prepared again) ****before**** importing the modified goods into the Russian Federation. Otherwise, the circulation (including import and sale) of such modified goods in the Russian Federation runs counter to the law and entails ****administrative or criminal liability****, such as: A fine of up to 300,000 RUB (approximately 3,300 US$) for a violation of the requirements of technical regulations; A fine of up to 30,000 RUB (approximately 330 US$) for failure to take measures to prevent harm during the circulation of goods that do not comply with the requirements of technical regulations; A fine of up to 5 million RUB (approximately 55,000 USD), administrative suspension of activities for up to 90 days or criminal liability for the circulation of misbranded, counterfeit, or substandard unregistered medicines or medical devices, or the circulation of counterfeit dietary supplements. In our practice, we see ****an increasing number of cases**** where products are imported into Russia with modifications that were not reflected in documents confirming compliance, as well as cases where the documentation that is the basis for obtaining documents confirming compliance has become invalid. In such cases, manufacturers and distributors often have to make ****product recalls and incur significant costs and reputational risks****. ****If you intend to make any changes in your products, we recommend considering the implications and making arrangements to confirm the compliance of products in advance. If you already have imported goods into Russia without making the appropriate modifications to the documents confirming compliance, please obtain expert advice on the actions required to mitigate any associated risks.**** ALRUD experts, ****with their extensive experience in advising on regulatory requirements and interaction with regulatory authorities****, can provide the necessary legal support on all issues related to your goods imported to Russia. The Eurasian Economic Union includes the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic and the Russian Federation.
15 May 2024
Cosmetics and household chemicals labelling experiment
We would like to inform you about the latest news in the field of Business Regulation. In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 29 December 2023 No. 2405 an experiment on labelling of certain types of cosmetics and household chemicals is introduced1. The experiment will last from 15 January 2024 to 28 February 2025. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 29 December 2023 No. 2405 “On conducting on the territory of the Russian Federation an experiment on labelling by means of identification of certain types of perfume and cosmetic products and household chemicals”
18 January 2024
Dina Kravchenko prepared an article for AEB Magazine on Green Initiative
Dina Kravchenko, Senior Associate, published an article in AEB Magazine on Green Initiative on “Status and potential of ESG laws and ESG rating systems in Russia”. In her article, Dina explained that government ESG policies should encourage companies to develop and disclose measures that guarantee their financial, environmental sustainability and social responsibility. Dina also covered the following issues: ESG-practices development in Russia: trends and challenges Challenges of ESG-ratings and assignment thereof Impact of ESG-practices on investment decisions and financial performance of companies Click here to read the article in full.
01 December 2023
ALRUD experts held the webinar “Key legal trends for the companies in the pharmaceutical and healthcare industry in Russia”
On October 26, our firm held a webinar dedicated to the current legal trends and regulatory changes in the pharmaceutical and healthcare industry, which companies may face in Russia. During the webinar ALRUD experts have covered topics such as: Expansion of mandatory labeling requirements Harmonization of Russian and EAEU legislation Acceleration of registration of new medicines Extension of counter-sanctions measures Latest trends of regulatory clearance of transactions Focus on the pre-audit analysis of business as the main direction of the new tax policy Current findings and trends in enforcement practice in patent disputes and registration of generics Settlements under foreign trade contracts: requirements and restrictions of currency legislation The speakers of the webinar were: Maria Ostashenko, Partner, Dina Kravchenko, Senior Associate, Ksenia Erokhina, Senior Associate, Ilya Khodakov, Senior Associate, Sergey Artemiev, Senior Associate and Alexander Artemenko, Associate. More information on the services and expertise of ALRUD's Healthcare and Pharmaceutical Industry team can be found here.
30 October 2023
Localization rules: Restricting foreign investments in seed farming areas
On 1 September 2023, the legal framework for seed farming in Russia will take effect. At present, lawmakers are preparing highly controversial regulations, which essentially aim to limit foreign investments in the Russian seed farming sector. The central idea is to implement a set of rules that require Russian companies involved in the production of agricultural plant seed varieties and hybrids to localize their activities (“Localization Rules”). Although the final version of the Localization Rules has not yet been approved, it is already possible to identify some key provisions that are likely to be adopted: {{1.}} Russian companies owned by foreign investors are seen as the initial target of the Localization Rules. They will be obliged to set up JVs with Russian investors that control at least 51% of the company’s shares to be able to continue seed farming in Russia. NB! However, the wording is still unclear, and we cannot rule out the possibility that all Russian investors will have to stick to the Localization Rules as well. {{2.}} The development and production of agricultural plant seed varieties and hybrids in Russia will be subject to additional localization requirements, including the availability of land plots, local production and research facilities, among other things. {{3.}} Each company involved in these activities will have to prepare its own localization plan that must be agreed with the Russian Ministry of Agriculture. Carve-outs A transition period for foreign investors to comply with the new rules is being discussed. It might be possible to hire Russian contractors for localization work. Producers might also be able to buy foreign raw materials (germplasm) to create seed varieties and hybrids in Russia. Conclusion Even though there are still many unanswered questions in the existing draft of the Localization Rules, it is highly likely that access of foreign investors to the seed market in Russia will be limited in the near future.
28 March 2023
ALRUD experts prepared an article for IPBA on regulation of Metaverse
The September issue of The Inter-Pacific Bar Association (IPBA) Journal relating to legal issues of Metaverse features an article by ALRUD experts entitled “Regulatory Trends Concerning the Metaverse in Russia”. In the article the experts presented a brief overview of the current Russian regulatory trends which may have influence on the Metaverse, and provided a forecast of possible legal changes as it continues to evolve. The article was prepared by Dina Kravchenko, ALRUD Senior Associate, Eva-Maria Shakhmaeva, ALRUD Trainee, and Maxim Alekseyev, ALRUD Senior Partner. The Inter-Pacific Bar Association ('IPBA') is an international association of business and commercial lawyers with a focus on the Asia-Pacific region.
13 October 2022
Legal Regulatory Guide Russia: Q3, 2021
ALRUD Regulatory practice is proud to present you the Regulatory Guide for the Third Quarter of 2021. The points of focus of this regulatory guide are product compliance, regulatory enforcement and environment protection. Most, if not all, of the topics commented in this guide have strategic importance for the Russian regulatory field. They have either been long awaited: the perspective of the new Seed Farming Law has been discussed for the last two years; possibility for the issue of Carbon Units and CO2 emissions have been largely expected by most of the business community, or have a long-lasting impact: Chestny Znak traceability system has beenin development since 2018, and currently 16 categories of goods are subject to traceability requirements with many new acts and regulations being enacted every year; responsibility is long-standing; the concept of extended product liability, recycling, and payment of Environmental Fees has been steadily evolving since 2015 from a low-paced regulation imposing no real obligation to completely indispensable piece of regulation causing a lot of questions for the business, or reshape the system of interaction between the business and the government, like the completely new risk-oriented system of administrative inspections which sets out a new full set of rules and requirements to the functioning of business, especially of entities engaged in production and sales of tangible products. The review was published with the participation of ALRUD experts - Maxim Alekseev, Senior Partner and Head of ALRUD Regulatory practice, Timur Akhundov, Co-Head of Regulatory Practice, Of Counsel, Dina Kravchenko, Senior Associate, and Boris Pribylov, Associate. Full text of this publication can be found here.
21 February 2022
ALRUD and Group-IB hold joint webinar
ALRUD and Group-IB held a joint webinar titled «Brave New Crypto World!» on 16 December 2021. Experts who spoke at the event included ALRUD Senior Partner Maxim Alekseyev, ALRUD Counsel Kira Egorova, ALRUD Senior Consultant Dina Kravchenko, Group-IB Deputy CEO for Digital Risk Protection Andrey Busargin, and Group-IB Lead Digital Forensic Trainer Anastasia Barinova. During their presentations, the ALRUD experts spoke about specific aspects of Russia’s legislative regulation of cryptocurrency. They pointed out how the legal status of digital assets has changed over the past three years and explained how digital financial assets differ from digital currency. The second part of their presentation addressed such issues as the circulation, protection, compliance, and taxation of cryptocurrency. The audience was particularly interested in the nuances of cryptocurrency inheritance. The Group-IB leaders spoke about the most high-profile cyberattacks in 2021, predicted how cybercrime might evolve in 2022, and shared digital literacy rules regarding the protection of both personal and corporate digital assets. Group-IB is one of the leading providers of solutions that aim to detect and prevent cybercrime and online fraud.
30 December 2021
Pravo-300, 2023 recommends Dina Kravchenko for Foreign economic activity: customs law, Pharmaceutics and healthcare.
Best Lawyers, 2022 recommends Dina Kravchenko for Regulatory Practice. |
Best Lawyers, 2021 recommends Dina Kravchenko for Regulatory Practice.
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